Try me, O God, and know my heart. Look well if there be any way of wickedness in me, and lead me in the way of peace. (Psalm 139: 23, 24)

Happy is the man who finds wisdom. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. (Proverbs 3.13, 15)

Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. (Hebrews 12. 1-2)

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4.32)


This is my resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it; I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her poor with bread. I will also clothe her priests with salvation, and her saints shall shout for joy.”                                               

Psalm 132:13-16

St. James Church can claim these words of the Psalmist for herself. Ever since it was consecrated in 1884, its presence as a parish church has stood the test of time. Being high Anglo Catholic in tradition, all who have found this place of worship for themselves and their families have never experienced the desire to move because of the warmth this church generates. Both clergy and laypersons over the years have played great roles to ensure it remains this way. As I pen these words, I can go back at least three generations to testify to this truth in our family. Being a young person who was offered to the diocese as a prospective ordinand from this very parish only males it extra special for me to come back as it’s Vicar with the passage of time. Even my wife, Deepa, shares her roots in this parish and this makes the parish and it’s concern very special to us. We’re comforted to be are surrounded by people who share the same love and zest for the church. We’d love to see this parish church grow and flourish providing its people succor for their lives in God. The challenges are in plentitude but I’m confident that as a parish we can be over comers standing on the promises on God. On the occasion of this Patronal Festival there couldn’t have been an opportune time to revive this platform to serve the church and the community around it. May every member be marked by devotion, sacrifice and jubilation as we remember our Patron, Saint James!

With Love,

Revd. James Gomez 

Presbyter-in-Charge – St. James’ Church



Saturday 03-AUG-2019 SJC Patronal Festival Pensioners’ Lunch – 11:30 AM in the St. James’ Church Meeting Room.

St. James' Church - Sunday School

The Sunday School is considered as the second rung on the ladder, the first steps being the parents, of Christian upbringing and teaching.

The children come with their parents to Church and then troop out at 08:45 AM during the singing of the Gradual hymn. Classes are held in St. James’ School, and have been held there for time immemorial. Classes start with an opening prayer, followed by a time of choruses and action songs. Then children then go to their classes. After classes which give over by 09:40 AM the children troop back to church for their blessing at the Altar.

The Sunday School children have quite a busy schedule during the year. They take part in the Diocese Programme that is held in the month of February and in the Annual Competition Rally that is held in the month of August. They attend the VBSs that are held in the month of May / June. Sometimes they take part in the services by singing a special song, reading the Scriptures or even giving the message. The children put up their ever popular “chaat” stall at the Mini Sales held by the Women’s Fellowship of Christian Service (WFCS) and the Youth; it is their way of helping out. They also have small sales when the need arises to raise funds for other projects. Their fund raising endeavor to help the victims of the Uttarkhand flash floods was truly an eye opener to what children are capable of doing. The visit to Shishu Bhavan was a moving experience and will be repeated again. The Christmas tree party organized by the WFCS in December have the Sunday School children playing and acting “host” to over 200 street children that are invited. They are blessed as they do receive a lot from the Church and the Elders of the Church – Easter eggs or bunnies at Easter time, a gift at the Christmas Party and innumerable bags of sweets, etc.

The St. James’ Sunday School children continue to strive to not only imbibe the Word of God but to share it through actions which speak louder than words.

© St. James' Church ● 167, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata - 700 014

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